Dulverton Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP) is additional funding for pupils who are or have been eligible for Free School Meals in the last six years, Looked After Children and Children Adopted from Care. Nationally, pupils eligible for pupil premium funding do not achieve as well as their peers. At Dulverton, we strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential. We do this by having:

  • High aspirations for all pupils 
  • A curriculum which meets the needs of all our pupils 
  • Quality First Teaching 
  • Analysis and use of data to plug any gaps in pupils’ learning
  • Supporting good behaviour and attendance
  • Effective deployment of staff

Pupil Premium money is used to support the academic achievement of pupils as well as supporting any wider issues which may prevent pupil premium children from succeeding at school. Opportunities for pupils are widened through developing their Cultural Capital.  For example, with help towards educational visits and music lessons. In this way, we aim to increase pupil confidence and resilience while encouraging pupils to be more aspirational.

Is your child eligible for the pupil premium grant funding?

You can use this online Pupil Premium checker to find out if your child is eligible for the pupil premium grant.

Every financial year, schools will receive £1,445 of funding for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years.

The video below explains what Pupil Premium Funding is and how it is allocated. Please also look at our School Meals page for further information.


